bioaeresols and corona-virus diffusion, transmission , carriers, viral size, surfaces properties and other factor involved.


1) Luisetto m, 2) Nili B. A, 3) Khaled Edbey, Mashori G.R. , YesviRafa ,Oleg Yurevich Latishev


Aim of this work is to evaluate the chemical-physical binding between some respiratory virus and their carrier like particulate matter, water particles dust and other .

This make possible to verify if a virus is airborne or not and the forces that regulate the bioaerosol containing virus.

The corona-virus envelope whit their chemical-physical properties and electrical charge are fundamental to fully understand properties, diffusion pattern, surviving and other relevant in spread of this respiratory disease.

Medicine, biology but also chemistry and physics can help in fight with such Pandemic disaster.

The result of this study are then useful in preventing strategy by public international health institution.


Author Biography

1) Luisetto m, 2) Nili B. A, 3) Khaled Edbey, Mashori G.R. , YesviRafa ,Oleg Yurevich Latishev

  • Luisetto m IMA academy Marijnskaya NATURAL SCIENCE Branch  Italy 29121
  • Nili B. A, Innovative Pharmaceutical product development specialist, USA
  • Khaled Edbey professor University of Benghazi dep of chemistry

4)Mashori G.R.  Professor Department of Medical & Health Sciences for Woman, Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences for Women, Pakistan

5) Ahmed YesviRafa, Founder and President, Yugen Research Organization;

Undergraduate   Student, Western Michigan University, MI, USA 49008

6) Oleg YurevichLatishev IMA ACADEMY president, RU

How to Cite
YesviRafa ,Oleg Yurevich Latishev, 1) Luisetto m, 2) Nili B. A. 3) Khaled E. M. G. . ,. (2021). bioaeresols and corona-virus diffusion, transmission , carriers, viral size, surfaces properties and other factor involved. International Invention of Scientific Journal, 5(01), Page: 1–30. Retrieved from