Rules and Procedures of Old Age Homes: Indispensable in promoting Enrichment of Senior Citizens
The individuals, employed in old age homes are required to be well-versed in terms of the factor that in order to carry out the functioning of old age homes in an efficient manner, individuals are required to formulate rules and procedures. These are required to be put into operation in a well-ordered and regimented manner. The individuals are required to follow these. These are normally flexible. In other words, the individuals in leadership positions bring about changes in these. Furthermore, it needs to be ensured, changes are to take place in a satisfactory manner. It needs to be ensured, these are followed by all the members. It is apparently understood that in old age, senior citizens are overwhelmed by various types of health problems and illnesses, hence, it is of utmost significance to make provision of medical and health care facilities. These are required to be put into operation in a manner, which are favorable in promoting well-being and goodwill of senior citizens. The discipline is promoted within the environmental conditions, when the senior citizens and other members are abiding by rules and procedures. These are related to different factors, i.e. making visits to other places, visits of family members and friends and so forth. Therefore, it is understood on a comprehensive basis that rules and procedures of old age homes is indispensable in promoting enrichment of senior citizens. The main concepts that are taken into account in this research paper are, rules and procedures of old age homes and factors highlighting that abiding by rules and procedures is enriching to senior citizens.
Keywords: Enrichment, Formulation, Health Conditions, Living Conditions, Procedures, Rules, Senior Citizens, Well-being

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