Unpleasant Environmental Conditions within Homes: Disadvantageous in Promoting Enrichment of Living Conditions
In all communities, in all households, throughout the country, there are occurrences of situations due to which family members get engaged in disagreements and conflicting situations. These may take place in a major or minor form. These impede terms and relationships among individuals within homes and as a consequence, there is formation of unpleasant environmental conditions. In not only personal but also in professional lives, the individuals will be able to proceed towards the right direction, when the cordial and amiable terms and relationships are formed with family members. When there are occurrences of disagreements and conflicting situations, the individuals within homes may bring communication terms to an end, hence, they will not be able to augment their knowledge and understanding in terms of different types of methods and strategies, which would enable them to carry out job duties successfully. The reason being, individuals are able to augment knowledge and understanding in terms of various aspects and obtain desired goals in personal and professional lives, when support is made available from family members. Therefore, it is understood on a comprehensive basis that unpleasant environmental conditions within homes are disadvantageous in promoting enrichment of living conditions. The main concepts that are taken into account in this research paper are, understanding the meaning and significance of forming pleasant environmental conditions within homes, causes of unpleasant environmental conditions within homes, and measures to be implemented to alleviate unpleasantness in environmental conditions within homes.
Keywords: Communities, Family, Homes, Individuals, Information, Measures, Unpleasant Environmental Conditions