Designing and Admission in Old Age Homes: Vital in promoting Well-being of Senior Citizens
The old age homes are found in all communities throughout the country. The designing and admission criteria are regarded as the first and foremost aspect that needs to be taken into account. The designing and admission of senior citizens is an important aspect that needs to be put into practice in an appropriate manner. In old age, individuals are required to live their lives in a peaceful manner, hence, within old age homes, the environmental conditions should be formed in such a manner, which would be facilitating in promoting well-being of senior citizens. Furthermore, it is of utmost significance to make provision of infrastructure, amenities and facilities in such a manner, which would be facilitating in promoting well-being of senior citizens. It is apparently understood that senior citizens are overwhelmed by different types of health problems and illnesses, hence, it is of utmost significance to make provision of medical and health care facilities. These need to be facilitating and useful to them. In some cases, senior citizens are not ambulatory, hence, care needs to be provided to them. The overall objective is to make living conditions comfortable for senior citizens. As a consequence, one will render an important contribution in leading to progression and promoting community well-being. Therefore, it is well-understood, designing and admission in old age homes is vital in promoting well-being of senior citizens. The main concepts that are taken into account in this research paper are, understanding the importance of designing and admission in old age homes, measures to be implemented in facilitating designing of old age homes and factors to be taken into account in facilitating admission in old age homes.
Keywords: Admission, Designing, Health Care, Management, Measures, Old Age Homes, Senior Citizens, Well-being

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