Protection of Senior Citizens in Old Age Homes: Indispensable in promoting their Well-being
The protection of senior citizens is considered to be the priority of individuals, employed in old age homes. The organizations of old age homes are required to be in such a manner that senior citizens feel protected and safe. This is regarded to be of utmost significance in promoting good health and well-being, physically as well as psychologically. One of the important aspects that needs to be taken into account is, the personnel need to focus on making provision of infrastructure, amenities and facilities. The senior citizens are required to be well-equipped in terms of different types of measures and approaches, which would be facilitating in leading to protection. Within rooms, almirahs are required to be kept locked. The senior citizens may have certain concerns in terms of various factors. Hence, they are required to be listened to and one should make provision of support and assistance to them. Furthermore, the senior citizens are required to be provided with the opportunities, which would enable them to enjoy their stay in old age homes. Therefore, protection of senior citizens in old age homes is indispensable in promoting their well-being. The main concepts that are taken into account in this research paper are, understanding the meaning and significance of protection of senior citizens in old age homes, factors highlighting the protection of senior citizens in old age homes and effects of protection of senior citizens in old age homes.
Keywords: Effects, Goodwill, Information, Living Conditions, Protection, Old Age Homes, Senior Citizens, Up-gradations

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