Cerrado Brazilian Biome: Characterization and Importance
The increasing demand for food and energy has over years promoted an intense intervention in natural environments, mainly with incorporation of new Cerrado’s areas in this productive process. Thus, new agricultural frontiers have been opened and, often, without consistent study about the consequences changing in use of these environments. The agricultural frontier advance, especially small farmers, has not yet been accompanied efficiently by technology advancement, capable of producing greater productivity in its arable land. In this way, it is observed the need of action in Command and Control Organs, aiming to promote a microzoning based on skills and vulnerabilities of each location. Often financial limitation resource of small farmer’s causes adoptions of some procedures inherited from theirs ancestors, when there was not yet the concern with the environmental issues as moment. It is not
uncommon to find farmers who wish to promote environmental intervention through alternative land use, mainly through the substitution of native vegetation for pasture. Often, in the same property is pasture in degradation process resulting from high compaction promoted by livestock, with visible destruction of soil by erosion. This degradation can be furrow or laminar, due to greater superficial runoff of rainwater, to detriment of infiltration. In Brazil, the Cerrado Biome is a second largest Biome, with an area of approximately 2,036,448 km², representing 23.92% of the Brazilian territorial area (BRASILEIRO FOREST SERVICE, 2010). In Minas Gerais, with a total area of 86,904.81 km², the Cerrado Biome is the most representative, occupying a surface area of 334,042.19 km², proportional to 56.9%. Here, the municipalities under the jurisdiction of the Advanced Agency of Pitangui (IEF) were highlighted, namely: Conceição do Pará, Leandro Ferreira, Nova Serrana and Pitangui.
Considering the affinity among municipalities, the following municipalities were also highlighted: Araújos, Bom Despacho, Divinopolis, Igaratinga, Maravilhas, Martinho Campos, Pitcairinha, Paraga de Minas, Perdigão, Pompéu and São Gonçalo do Pará; Totaling an area of 977,991.05 hectares, or
9,779.91 km², according to Table 1. These municipalities were also highlighted due to the location around the EPAMIG / Pitangui (Pitangui Experimental Farm), where the "Antonio Luciano Pereira Filho" Technical School of Agriculture and Cooperativism (CT / ITAC) is located.
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Eduardo José Azevedo Corrêa et al. Cerrado Brazilian Biome: Characterization and Importance
International Invention of Scientific Journal, Vol. 01, Issue. 1, Page no: 1-19
Page | 19
objeto=empreendimento>. Acesso em 13 de fev. de 2012.