Prognosis and Functional Outcomes of Management of Bimalleolar Fracture
Ankle fractures are most commonly managed by orthopaedic surgeons in emergency department. The aim of this study to analyze the results, prognosis and management outcomes of bimalleolar fractures for patients treated in Althora hospital, Albida, Libya. This was a pprospective study includes 26 cases of closed bimalleolar ankle fractures. The fractures of the ankle are commonly seen in the young adult male population with road traffic accidents and right side ankles being the common cause. Weber type B and Supination external rotation injury were the commonest type of fracture. In conclusion, the Bimalleolar fracture treated with ORIF gain to good ankle function after 6 months. All the patients who had good results returned to normal activity and had regained their full ankle movements by the end of three months.

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