Determination of the structural performance of recycled coarse aggregate sourced in few different locations in Anambra state specifically (Onitsha,Uli,OkpunoAwka).
Among the aggregates used in concrete, coarse aggregates have a vital impact on concrete strength. Concrete is a composite material composed of fine and coarse aggregate bonded together with fluid cement that hardens overtime. Concrete is the third-most used substance in the world after water, (Gagg et al, 2014) and is the most widely used building materials (crow et al, 2008). The essence of this study is to determine the compressive strength sieve analysis test and slump test of concrete produced with coarse aggregates sourced in few different locations in Anambra state (specifically; Uli, Onitsha, Awka. The result of the sieve analysis failed the requirement since all the result is more than 35% by weight passing through 200Bs test sieve, The results obtained for the slump test on fresh concrete mix based on the river sand coarse aggregates gotten from various sources are 138mm, 163mm and 169mm for Uli, onitsha and Awka respectively as shown in table 4 and figure 3.1 below. Showing decrease in workability as the coarse aggregate source was being changed per test consequently the compressive strength test result is as follows; Onitsha ranges (8.30N/mm² to 15.89N/mm²), Uli ranges (15.60N/mm² to 24.10N/mm²) and Awka ranges(11.65N/mm² to 18.80N/mm²) .

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