Investigating the relationship between the quality of use of virtual space and family's emotional atmosphere considering the mediating role of marital boundaries
The present study aims to investigate the relationship between the quality of using virtual space and the family's emotional atmosphere. This study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of method. It is also quantitative research in terms of the nature of the research data. The statistical population of the study includes all 2000 married employees of Defense Industries Company in 2022. A sample size of 120 people was obtained from the statistical population to estimate the sample size using the formula of Tabachnik and Fidel (2007). However, 130 people were considered to ensure the results. The data collected tools included the emotional atmosphere questionnaire by Safuraei, Taghian, and Mahdizadeh (2014), and the quality of use of the virtual space questionnaire by Taghian and Safuraei (2016). To analyze the study data, Pearson's correlation coefficient, hierarchical regression by Baron and Kenny method, and SPSS22 software were used. The results revealed a significant negative correlation between the quality of use of virtual space and the family's emotional atmosphere.
Keywords: Virtual space, Emotional atmosphere, Family

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