Investigation and Analysis of Stabilization of Potential Landslides Based on Structural Elements
The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the stabilization of potential landslides based on structural elements. Initially, a simple model without the presence of pillars was examined. To this end, the potential landslide was created in the 2D software Plexus. The results showed that the presence of small pillars caused the stabilization of the potential landslide and increased the coefficient of confidence to 1.17, which does not provide acceptable results in terms of the coefficient of confidence, as the coefficient of confidence obtained is below the minimum value of 1.5 that is recommended in the Department of Building and Safety of Los Angeles (1.5> coefficient of confidence >1.3) for static analysis. The warning of stabilization of this potential in the dynamic state is significant. Considering the region's soil conditions, the best element for stabilization is the pillar or a combination of elements for stabilizing the region.
Keywords: Potential Landslide, Structural Elements, Stabilization, Static Analysis

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