An Investigation into Sociological Factors Affecting Student Learning in Virtual Environment
The objective of this research was to examine the sociological factors that influence student learning within virtual environments, specifically in Chadegan. A quantitative-exploratory approach was employed, involving the distribution of questionnaires to a sample of 240 lower secondary students in Chadegan, selected through convenience sampling. The data collected was analyzed using SPSS software. Key descriptive findings from the study revealed that 6.9% of respondents came from high economic backgrounds, 70% from above average, 8.81% from below average, and 4.0% from low economic backgrounds. Additionally, 3.8% of students had one to two family members, 54.4% had three to four, 44.6% had five to six, and 6.2% had seven to nine family members. The analysis indicated significant correlations between various factors and learning outcomes. These included the relationship between supervision in virtual education and learning (sig=006, t=2.750), the impact of family stability and quality of life on learning in a virtual setting (sig=005, t=2.815), the effect of intimacy in virtual education on learning (sig=.032, t=2.152), the influence of motivation in a virtual environment on learning (sig=.037, t=2.103), the role of responsibility in virtual education and its impact on learning (sig=.027, t=2.225), and the effect of interaction in a virtual environment on student learning (sig=.042, t=2.050).
Keywords: Learning, Virtual Education, Supervision, Motivation, Family Stability, Responsibility

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