The Impact of Social, Political, and Economic Sustainability on Dividend Payout Policy of Companies in Iran's Capital Market
This study aims to investigate the impact of sustainability in social, environmental, and economic dimensions on the dividend payments of companies. The statistical population considered by the researchers includes companies listed on the Iranian capital market from 2014 to 2022. Ultimately, after applying the screening sampling method, 1080 company-years were selected for the final sample. This research employs a correlational and causal methodology, and data collection was conducted through library studies and referencing the database of the Stock Exchange Organization. The regression method used is multivariate, and various regression assumptions were tested at a significance level of 0.05. The results of testing the first hypothesis of the study indicated that the sustainability of companies in social, environmental, and economic dimensions has a significant and direct effect on the dividend payments of companies at a significance level of 0.05.
Keywords: Sustainability in Social, Environmental, Economic Dimensions, Company Dividends

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