The Impact of Freedom of Thought and Expression on Society
The soul-giving breeze of freedom started blowing from the time of man's self-knowledge when God granted him the choosing power and from the beginning of man's creation, this self-awareness and authority drove man from heaven to the terrestrial world. Physical freedom is not the sole human being's need for survival. He is a searching thoughtful curious being, Therefore, exchanging thoughts and meditation is essential for the growth and promotion of the human soul. The messengers of Allah in the delicate way of relaying proper thought and divine inspiration have faced lots of difficulties. If the mission of relaying the divine inspiration had not been carried out properly, the human community would have been a complete chaos and perplexity. In the following article these 4 sections, 1- The historical process of freedom of expression. 2- The concepts of meditation and freedom of expression. 3- Limits of freedom of expression entitled (to what extent free expression) that itself includes a) freedom of expression and thought and cultural, religious, and social varieties. b) Freedom of thought and expression and ruling powers. c) Freedom of thought and expression and law. Eventually, the fourth section titled Thought Exchanging Would Result in Civil Society, would be surveyed and discussed.
Keywords: Exchange of ideas, Evolution of thoughts, Excellence of society, Human rights, Expression, Minority rights

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