Evaluation of the Microbial and Chemical Quality of Seawater on the recreational area of Port Assaluyeh
Introduction: Accompanied by the industries development in Asalouyeh, natives and immigrants who live in this area and also travelers who come to the Asalouye’s beaches and promenades around it for swimming and recreation are worried about the pollution of seawater through entering industrial effluents and urban sewage. Swimming is a healthy activity for whole body workout and strengthening the cardiovascular system which can be continued throughout life. Therefore, the southern coasts of the country host many travelers from different parts of the country during Nowruz and weekends. However, the health of swimmers and ecology in natural natatoriums are generally influenced by the discharging of industrial and urban wastewater. Methodology: This study measured 6 swimming spots on the beaches of Asalouyeh, Nakhl Taghi, Bonood, Haleh, and Nayband and also downstream beaches of Asalouye’s refineries and petrochemicals. The chemical and microbial quality of these areas was investigated and compared with the existing standards. The samples were taken in the autumn of 1402 according to the standard method of seawater sampling from 30 cm depth below the water surface and at a distance of 5 meters from the land. The samples were collected in sterile bottles and stored in a cold box until reaching the laboratory. The determination test of bacteria and heavy metals was done according to the standard methods of water and wastewater. Results: The points under study were free of total coliform in terms of bacteriology and heavy metals such as zinc, iron, chromium, and copper were within the permissible limits, and lead, cadmium, and nickel were higher than the standard of the World Health Organization (WHO). The high concentration of these metals in all sampled stations can be due to the entry of industrial effluents. Conclusion: Among the heavy metals, lead, cadmium, and nickel have harmful effects on human health and cause cancer. Also, lead contamination causes damage to kidney function and the cardiovascular system, preventing hemoglobin synthesis, and damage to the central nervous system, joints, and reproductive system. Although the samples were free of microbial contamination and other metals measured within the permissible limits, nevertheless, it is necessary to measure bacteriology and heavy metals continuously in different seasons due to the development of industries and the density of the urban population in Asalouyeh.
Keywords: Asalouyeh, Recreation, Total Coliform, Heavy Metals, Persian Gulf

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